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Seeing God in My Life: He's Always There

Mic Sumner

Although I didn't always notice it, looking back, i've come to realise that God has been working in my life all along. I'm sure you can relate? Even more so if you reflect on the struggles when it looked like God was not there at all, I'm telling you, He was.

When you finally have that realisation, you begin to experience His presence at all times and life is truly brand new. You see there's light at the end of that long winding tunnel.

Black and white silhouette, Walking through a tunnel

The past year i've looked at my life through new eyes. I've been reading this book by Bear Grylls - Soul Fuel: A daily Devotional. Besides the Bible it's one of my faves. (You should definitely check it out! It's available on audible for those on the go although i'd recommend the physical book as there are so many gems and verses you can look back on.)

It has really helped me grow in faith, work is more meaningful and I feel like I have a new sense of purpose. There is something amazing about being led by the Holy Spirit and understanding what He is calling You to. I'm a software engineer by trade and even in this work when I see what I do through the 'Christian lens', God shows me personally the value I provide.

Close up macro shot of an eye

What God looks like in my life

Serving Others - It's not all about me!

We are all part of communities, whether it's at work, at home or outside of work. Rather than selfishly putting myself first, allowing money and performance to become the driving forces and motives in my job, I aim to add value to the company I work for by genuinely working as if it were for God and not man.

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, - Colossians 3:23

Learning to trust God - Faith tested grows

God is teaching me how to trust in Him. I would say i've not been a Christian for very long. My faith journey started back in school. I grew up in the Philippines where the educational system relies heavily on the catholic faith. There were different rituals, masses and worship services that were deemed compulsory. When something is 'forced' into your life I don't believe it has an active effect, at least this was true for me. My faith couldn't grow in that environment.

New leaf growing from a branch

Becoming part of a Community - Embracing a Church Family

When I moved to the UK, God became distant. I didn't feel like church was for me and sadly I phased out of attending regularly. God wasn't through with me yet. Late last year, when my brother was attending University in Plymouth, he invited me to St Matthias Church. It was here that I found God again. The Sunday morning meet ups for free breakfast and drinks were a huge selling point not to mention the Thursday Pizza nights. Being part of this community is more than just church it really is family. They check up on you, they genuinely care about you, love is evident there. Hearing about what God has done in their lives inspires me to want more of Him in my life too. God is surrounding me with people who are drawing me closer to Him.

Group of friends, support group photography

God's presence in Crisis - Acknowledging God even when it's hard

I don't talk about this often but life has been hard. I've watched the economy around me collapse and I know what it means to see absolute destruction from tycoons and natural disasters. I've always looked at myself as a victim but then when God showed me purpose I realised my character was being improved. God is through all these experiences moulding and shaping me into the man He wants me to be.

And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. - Romans 5:3-5

At so many points in life it seemed almost impossible to achieve anything. Now I look back and see that there is nothing impossible with God. Even if you fall flat on your face you are still moving forwards. We all experience struggles in life but it's how you react to the struggle that shows how it will affect you in life. These challenges can either be a hindrance that sets us back or an opportunity for us to learn and grow as individuals.

Being vulnerable with God - It's okay not to be okay

One thing I love about being a Christian is that I can be vulnerable with your God which is such an important thing. It is in uniting with God that we find courage to battle through the storms of life. We are human, we make mistakes for sure, we are weak, but the Bible tells us that in our weakness God is strong. We have to be willing and ready to come to God with our struggles, understanding that He already knows, trusting that He can change our situation and that no matter what we have done He still loves us and will forgive us if we confess to Him and are repentant.

man with a beanie hat in a dark place

God has taught me so much about who He is through my journey with Him. In showing me His purpose for my life, i'm able to see that there is so much more to this life even when it sucks. My prayer is that in every situation God will remind us of His presence, His purpose and His love. I pray He will show us that He is who He says He is, He will never leave nor forsake us and His promises are sure. I pray He will give us the confidence and courage to face this uncertainty with complete trust in Him.

hiking in the mountains with lens flare

About The Author

Michael is a contractor software engineer. You can also find him on Instagram @sumner_codes to follow his journey of faith, persistence, perseverance, and coding!


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