Have you ever felt like even though things are going pretty well you still feel down? Like there's something missing? And the joy you expected to have isn't there?
Well, I've been feeling like that a lot lately. With all the great things happening around me, and with all the people I have around me, you'd think that life was going great for me. I even received some answers to the health issues that I've been facing for the past 5 years, so why do I still feel so lost?
As I reflected on life, with God's Spirit pressing hard on my heart, I thought about my relationship with God. I asked myself this question 'Chelsee, how is your relationship with God really going?'
If I'm being completely honest, some days I struggle to even pick up God's word and study it. Then when I do, I feel like it's part of a checklist, rather than me intentionally seeking God each day. I got to a point where I had to be completely honest with God. I had to stop kidding myself and others around me. I opened my heart to Him and told God that I feel distant from Him, that I felt so empty.... and like He always does, He spoke.
He reminded me that my joy is not dependent on my feelings, that it's not even dependent on the situations or circumstances I find myself in. True joy is found in Him! Through Jesus I am saved and through Him, I can face tomorrow no matter what it brings.
I guess what I'm saying is this world can never fill us. We can never truly be fulfilled or filled by the temporary joy of possessions or material things. Even when things are going right in life or the way we always wanted them to go. We are complete and made whole in God alone.
This is something I've always read but never fully understood. I see now that by God allowing me to going through this, I could experience the love and grace He has towards me. And, I know He will do the same for you too.
Life is never going to be easy, it's never going to be perfect but God is perfect. With Him, we are made whole and we can find never ending joy!
I want to leave you with this verse:
"May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it!"
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 MSG
About The Author
My name is Chelsee and I am a Christian YouTube Vlogger (painful_purpose) and influencer. I share testimonies and encouragement videos based on verses found in the word of God.